Well located, double-fronted Retail Unit. Ground floor Retail 1,797 sq. ft. / 167 sqm. First floor Offices 1,490 sq. ft. / 139 sqm. TOTAL 3,293 sq. ft. / 306 sqm. Ground & First floor Rent - £19,000 pax Ground floor only - £17,000 pax The specific accommodation arrangements are as follows; GROUND FLOOR 1,797 sq. ft. 167 sqm. FIRST FLOOR 1,496 sq. ft. 139 sqm. The property is situated on The Spot, London Road just off the pedestrianised area of Derby City Centre, close to Derbion, the primary retailing area of the city centre. Nearby occupiers include Cosmo, WH-Smiths, Birds the Confectioners, Wilko's, Poundland, and Matalan. Leasehold The rateable value is currently under review. Details can be made available once received. The premises are available by way of a new full repairing and insuring (FR&I) lease, for a term to be negotiated. Rental offers invited in the region of £19,000 (nineteen thousand pounds) per annum exclusive (pax), for the property as a whole, or £17,000 (s