Upon relocation of Gadsby Nichols. TO LET (MAY SELL) Well-presented retail and office premises, with parking, located diagonally facing the Cathedral, convenient for the Market Place and Cornmarket. Comprising; retail and office space extending to 1,388 sq. ft./129 sqm. or thereabouts, together with basement storage providing a further 346 sq. ft./32.1 sqm. Available from 25th June 2025 (or earlier by negotiation) on a new lease. Ground Floor Front sales area 377 sq. ft. / 35 sqm. Rear sales/offices 470 sq. ft. / 43.7 sqm. Boardroom/office 307 sq. ft. / 28.4 sqm. Kitchen/store 121 sq. ft. / 11.2 sqm. First Floor Office 183 sq. ft. / 17 sqm. Basement storage 346 sq. ft. / 32.1 sqm. The property is situated on Iron Gate, within the Cathedral Quarter of the city of Derby. There is car park access to the rear off St. Marys Gate. Leasehold From enquiries of the VOA website, the property is assessed as shop and premises' with a rateable value of £12,500. Subject to satisfying certain cri