Detached Warehouse/Production Unit, with two-storey office, and additional mezzanine storage space, extending to approximately 7,134 sq. ft./662 sqm. Popular trading location on West Meadows Industrial Estate, close to Pride Park. Available on a new Lease for a term to be negotiated. TO LET £35,000 pax, or offers around £350,000 freehold. GF Office - 630 sq. ft. / 58 sqm. FF Office - 630 sq. ft. / 58 sqm. Mezzanine Area - 2,131 sq. ft. / 198 sqm. GF Workshop - 2,131 sq. ft. / 198 sqm. Warehouse - 1,612 sq. ft. / 150 sqm. Total GIA - 7,134 sq. ft. / 662 sqm. The premises are situated on Downing Road within the established West Meadows Industrial Estate. Accessed from Chequers Road, close to the Pentagon island and Pride Park, affording ease of access to the A52 and onwards to the M1, together with the A61 providing access to the A38, and Derbys inner ring road to the city centre. Leasehold or Freehold From enquiries of the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) website, we note the property fall